High Fiber Foods Printable List [Athlete’s Fiber Guide PDF]


Athletes looking to increase their fiber intake can use this high fiber foods printable list. By incorporating some of these high fiber foods into their sports nutrition performance plan you’ll benefit from the health benefits fiber offers. 

You’ll want to balance high fiber intake around your training, games and competition schedule so you can maximize the benefits without causing GI distress.

Check out our post on pre game meals and what to eat before soccer practice for more information on meal timing.

Print out this high fiber foods printable list for your next grocery store trip

high fiber foods printable list

What is fiber

Fiber is a carbohydrate found in plants including fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains. However, people cannot digest or absorb into their blood streams for energy. 

Fiber is found in plant based foods and is classified as either soluble or insoluble. It’s important to eat both types of fiber because they each serve different functions. You should consume a variety of high fiber foods in order to get the most benefits.

How much fiber should you eat each day

The amount of fiber you should eat each day depends on the number of calories you eat. The US Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends about 14 grams per 1000 calories. (1)

Generally, athletes requirements will be higher as they require more calories to fuel for sport. 

However athletes and the general population only eat about half of the recommended amounts of fiber (2)

General recommendations for daily fiber intake:

Age (years)Fiber Recommendations (grams/day)
4-825 g25 g
9-1331 g26 g
14-1838 g26 g
19-3038 g25 g
31-5038 g25 g
51-7021 g30 g

What foods have the highest fiber

Generally, foods that have the highest fiber include:

  1. Legumes – this includes chickpeas, beans and lentils
  2. Whole grains-great sources of whole grains are found in brown rice, quinoa, oats, whole wheat bread
  3. Nuts and seeds- walnuts, almonds, chia seeds, flax seeds
  4. Fruits- apples, berries, oranges, pears
  5. Vegetables-broccoli, brussels sprouts, peas, artichokes, sweet potatoes
  6. Popcorn
High Fiber Foods Printable List

High fiber cereal and grains printable chart

Cereals and GrainsServing SizeFiber (g/serving)
Ready-to-eat cereal, high fiber1/2 cup14
Bran buds1/3 cup13
Raisin bran1 cup8
Ready-to-eat cereal, whole grain kernels1/2 cup7.5
Ready-to-eat cereal, wheat, shredded1 cup6.2
Popcorn3 cups5.8
Ready-to-eat cereal, bran flakes3/4 cup5.5
Bulgur, cooked1/2 cup4.1
Oatmeal, cooked1/2 cup4
Spelt, cooked1/2 cup3.8
Teff, cooked1/2 cup3.6
Barley, pearled, cooked1/2 cup3
Ready-to-eat cereal, toasted oat1 cup3
Oat bran1/2 cup2.9
Crackers, whole wheat1 ounce2.9
Tortillas, whole wheat1 ounce2.8
high fiber foods printable list -cereals and grains

High fiber vegetable printable chart

VegetableServing SizeFiber (g/serving)
Green peas, cooked1 cup8.8
French beans, cooked1/2 cup8.3
Pumpkin, canned1 cup7.1
Brussels sprouts, cooked1 cup6.4
Sweet potato, cooked1 cup6.3
Jicama, raw1 cup5.9
Winter squash, cooked1 cup5.7
Yam, cooked1 cup5.3
Broccoli, cooked1 cup5.2
Avocado1/2 cup5
Cauliflower, cooked1 cup4.9
Carrots, cooked1 cup4.8
Collard greens, cooked1 cup4.8
Kale, cooked1 cup4.7
Snow peas, cooked1 cup4.5
Spinach, cooked1 cup4.3
Beet greens, cooked1 cup4.2
Cabbage, red, cooked1 cup4.1
Edamame, cooked1/2 cup4.1
Okra, cooked1 cup4
Green beans, snap, cooked1 cup4
Hominy, canned1 cup4
Corn, cooked1 cup4
Potato, baked, with skin1 medium3.9
Carrots, raw1 cup3.6
Mushrooms, cooked1 cup3.4
Red bell pepper, raw1 cup3.1
Asparagus, cooked1 cup2.9
Onions, cooked1 cup2.9
Cabbage, cooked1 cup2.8
Beets, cooked1 cup2.8
High fiber foods printable list vegetables

High fiber fruit printable chart

FruitServing SizeFiber (g/serving)
Pear, Asian1 medium7
Pear1 medium6
Apple, with skin1 medium5
Avocado1/2 medium5
Raspberries1/2 cup4
Figs, dried1/4 cup4
Orange1 medium4
Blackberries1/2 cup3.8
Prunes or dried plum1/4 cup3.2
Blueberries, wild1/2 cup3.1
Banana1 medium3
Dates1/4 cup3
Kiwifruit1/2 cup2.7
Grapefruit1/2 fruit2.5
Blueberries1/2 cup1.8
Mandarin orange1/2 cup1.8
Pomegranate seeds1/4 cup1.8
Apricots1/2 cup1.6
Strawberries1/2 cup1.5
Cherries1/2 cup1.5
high fiber foods printable list fruits

High fiber beans and legumes printable chart

Beans and LegumesServing SizeFiber (g/serving)
Navy beans, cooked1/2 cup9.6
Small white beans, cooked1/2 cup9.3
Yellow beans, cooked1/2 cup9.2
Lima beans, cooked1 cup9.2
Adzuki beans, cooked1/2 cup8.4
Split peas, cooked1/2 cup8.2
Lentils, cooked1/2 cup7.8
Pinto beans, cooked1/2 cup7.7
Cranberry (roman) beans, cooked1/2 cup7.6
Black beans, cooked1/2 cup7.5
Chickpeas (garbanzo beans), cooked1/2 cup6.3
Great northern beans, cooked1/2 cup6.2
Kidney beans, cooked1/2 cup5.7
White beans, cooked1/2 cup5.7
Black-eyed peas, dried and cooked1/2 cup5.6
Cowpeas, dried and cooked1/2 cup5.6
Soybeans, cooked1/2 cup5.2
high fiber foods printable list legumes and beans

High fiber nuts and seeds printable chart

Seeds and NutsServing SizeFiber (g/serving)
Pumpkin seeds, whole1 ounce5.2
Coconut1 ounce4.6
Chia seeds1 Tbsp4.1
Almonds1 ounce3.5
Sunflower seeds1 ounce3.1
Pine nuts1 ounce3
Pistachio nuts1 ounce2.9
Flax seeds1 Tbsp2.8
Hazelnuts (filberts)1 ounce2.8
High fiber foods printable list nuts and seeds.

Tips for boosting fiber intake

  • Add fiber gradually
  • Increase your water/fluid intake
  • Swap a higher fiber food for a lower fiber food
  • Add fiber rich foods to salads, soups, pastas and cereals
  • Choose high fiber alternatives-whole wheat pasta, whole grain bread, brown rice

Athletes benefit from high fiber foods since these foods contain key nutrients, minerals and vitamins essential for high performance. High fiber foods also help with digestion and keep blood sugars stable.

How can you get 30 g of fiber a day

You can get 30 grams of fiber a day by selecting multiple high fiber foods from the printable list of high fiber foods. Add berries and nuts to your cereal, make swaps for higher fiber options.

Also, pay attention to the serving size. For example, two servings of raspberries is one cup and has eight grams of fiber. You’d be surprised how quickly you can increase your fiber intake when you double a serving and follow the tips above.

Whole grains are great sources of fiber and you can get more ideas for including whole grains in your diet in our post on whole grains.

Final thoughts

Fiber has many health benefits for athletes. This printable list of high fiber foods will be a useful tool whether shopping for groceries or making choices for healthy snacks or when eating at restaurants.

*High fiber food list generated from data from the US Department of Agriculture and the US Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

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